Prime Dharma Talk

  1. Gain freedom of the heart/ 心の自由は宇宙の本体から頂くもの
  2. 想いが実現する宇宙の法則とは?/Realizing your wish is your h…
  3. For one who  suffers in the life/悲しみと苦しみの季節にい…
  4. End of Religion / 宗教の終焉
  5. Cry for others/悲しみは幸せを導く
  6. ツイてる人になるには? All you need is to trust Great Sp…
  7. 世界をリライトする智慧を育てよう。Our mission is to create a n…
  8. 創造的に生きる How to  live  your life with   more c…
  9. 人生を楽しく生きるコツは? How to create joyfull future? …
  10. 身も心も大愛に溶ける世界 Your body and heart will be melt…
  11. 人間は神に似せられたって本当か?
  12. Is it true that God created man in his own im…
  13. Infinite treasure are hidden in life, also …
  14. 大霊に快くシビれて/Comfortably Numb with the Great Spi…
  15. Create positive destiny is the most importan…
  16. To live in illusion is to stop thinking, to l…
  17. Thinking about the past, present, and future …
  18. Why I never give a shit about Olympics