Prime Dharma Talk

  1. Take Victory of the Life/人生に勝利する
  2. Let’s open new era of the human beings
  3. Spritual World opens your future! (Dharma Tal…
  4. Energy is guaranteed if you exist for others…
  5. Discover entity the producer of your future …
  6. Walk Toward the Light
  7. Be a master of your life (Three poison 2 /ang…
  8. Becarefull with Three Poison (1)
  9. 3 min to change your life/ 3分で人生を変える方法
  10. The Secret of Life is Here
  11. Door to pure land(heaven) is open
  12. The key to make your life happy
  13. Create bright future based on emptiness
  14. Today is your youngest day
  15. May you live the bright life
  16. All my wishes are……
  17. May you live in freedom and brightness
  18. Rebirth your Spirit
  19. Disapering ego is the teaching of Buddhsim
  20. 無我(滅我)が仏教なんだから……