Prime Dharma Talk
- 天国(浄土)を見る/Make your life an art
- あなたが究極に求めているものは?/What You Are Ultimately Look…
- 霊界をつなぐのが人間/ What were you told before you w…
- 人間界は魂が試される場所/Human world is the examination
- 仏教が説く霊界とは?/What Does Buddhism Teach about th…
- 霊的修行の本質/New spiritual era of the human being…
- 霊界はどうあなたに影響するか?/ How Does the Spiritual Worl…
- 魔にもある超能力/Evil spirit also has super nature p…
- 霊界の美と法則/Beauty and principle of the Spiritua…
- 苦しみが守護神を増やす道/Suffering shows the way to incr…
- 霊的快楽の体感 / Open your spiritual comfort
- 宇宙の智慧と願成就/Wisdom of the Universe to realize y…
- Looking for Peace in your heart?/人生の悲しみから、心の平…
- From ego to love/エゴから利他へ
- 暗い過去から明るい浄土へ/From Dark past to Bright Pure La…
- 利他の氣の正体 / The Ki of Altruism and Ego Subconci…
- 利他の悲しみと喜び/Sadness and Happiness by Being Altr…
- 心の輝きに生きる/Live in the Heart Shining
- 宇宙大霊と健康/ Health and the Great Spirit of the U…
- 切心で大愛に出逢う